communication skill

Communication is a way to express your views ideas and what's going on in your mind . Lot's of peoples misunderstood that communication skill means communicating in English language . People feel more inferior when they unable to communicate in English. English is just medium of communication. It is a language. You can learn it . But firstly you have abandon the myth that a person would seems fool in mother tounge accent. No you can't change your accent. In your own native accent you become superior. Communication is art. you can develop it by hard working on it. Hard work doesn't mean that you have to pay your whole day whole week whole month and whole year on it. But persistently work with full of enthusiasm. When your circumstances are not well but still you have to work on it. Communication skills are not only rely in yours words  but your postures,body language, your voice tone ,your eye contact  and most important your confidence on whatever you are saying you just believe in it. You have to explain your views to people very easily . communication skill is very important for everyone. No one is born with inherited skills. They work on it for development . So To be bold when you communicate with person who holds higher authority. Audience always afraid to raised their hand for question. They are able to share their views , question with their friends . But in front of authority they think 100 more times to ask questions.  Whenever you got Chance to raised question .just do it. Raise your hand without thinking too much. Authority person are still a human being, they can't eat you. Well you have to read more and more books of own interest. Try to write anything in your dairy. Listen audio books poems or news etc whatever you like. 


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